Slay The Gnar

Documentary of Casey Cane

Thunderbowl THUNDA’ – 04/02/05

Location: Kirkwood, California, USA, North America

Synopsis: By Runethechamp….

After a late start from the Bay Area Saturday morning, my friend Steve and I rolled in to Kirkwood about 9:20 or so. We didn’t really have any expectations to the the day except for maybe some groomers and some good Extreme comp watching. Since we arrived late we parked at the Timber Creek parking lot and took Chair 7 to get over to Chair 6. At the top of 6, skier666 caught up with us and promtly asked if we wanted to go to Thunder Bowl. After some thinking we figured out why the hell not and joined him for the hike. This was Steve’s first trip out there and I had my only TB trip 5 years ago, so I was excited to see if it looked anything like I remembered. 666 ran ahead, and knowing his skills and typical exposed lines I stopped at a relatively easy entrance while 666 scoped out his line. When 666 showed me where he wanted to ski, I didn’t want anything to do with it, it was just too nasty.


Some new snow for the morning….

Filled in nicely…

Greydon getting some…


Supu yet again…

Off to Thunderbowl…weather is nicer. Yippie!

Captain Ron goes for some turns…


Oh yeah….

Looking good…

666 went up for V-tree…

Some nice options though…

Vertical mode…slash chute on lookers right…

What about Slash Chute? Hmmmm

Runethechamp – "But knowing that 666 is one of the best extreme skiers in the world, I had to trust him. If he said he was going in, I’d shoot. While everybody at the extreme comp was having a cup of coffee, 666 launches his first turns of the trip to Thunder Bowl:"





Another left turn…

And almost done….

Options in Thunderbowl? HAHAHAHAHAHA

Over to the extreme comp….

Extreme in Franks…


Nice tuck….


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