Slay The Gnar

Documentary of Casey Cane
New Zealand 2007

Sheepless is New Zealand – 08/27/07

Date of Memories:

August 26-27th, 2007

Kiwi Location of Schralpness:

Remarkables, a ski field with hike-to happiness!

Brainscanned Participants:

666, Woody, NZphotoslave, & Tuk.

Historical Weather Report:

Flat light, crap-ass day on the 26th, to a springlike delight on the 27th.

Analytical Analysis of Activities:

The trip was coming to an end and we were bound to have at least one ubercrap day right? Well, that was the 26th. One hike into the chutes, back in the car, and straight to the Dux Lux for pizza & beer. The point and shoot almost took a 70 footer if it wasn’t for Woody’s suberb ninja-like, pole tip to camera strap steeze.

On the following day, the conditions didn’t look too promising. The clouds covered the Remarks as I waited for my servant to produce my daily long black. However, the day ended up in a hoodie wearing, spring to winter condition, mashup fest of fun.


Concord Dawn – "Man for all Seasons" (NZ dnb)

Everyday wakeup call included this machine….

Woody needs another for the road…a 12 shot flat white cocktail

Being all coffee-buzzed, he jumped into a white-chocolate-mocha….

666 eyes an obstacle for the cameraman to miss….

Tuk shows us controlled steep skiing technique…

From that performance, I decided to traverse into a billygoat course…

You’ve got to make the most out of your run right?

Visual contact of billygoating ahead…

No cellphone zone….

Tuk finds an isolated bank of schralpness…

Goatin’ without Gotamas…

And a wind-packed carve out to pizza & beer…..

Ok, well maybe we hit up some coffee first…

Then, we made it to the Dux Lux…straight up chillin’

A little later…some sushi

And then for some Latin Mules, hell why not?

THE 27th of AUGUST, 2007:

"Hurry, get in the car….we’re going to get jumped"

Photoslave makes a cliche business call…

First run, a sunny patch of freshness needed to be killed….

…and NZphotographerdude made an open bowl carve…

Turkey is ready!

As we traversed over to Nobis, we found perfect, smooth, spring snow…

….it was then I realized that I brought the right skis for the day

Yep, the Moment Melee…

Ski patrol told us we were only allowed two runs to limit an overnight "trench freeze"

If the snow looks fun….to be honest, it was.

666 on the fun snow….having fun.

OMG, Kingswood Mid-Fat Karve!

666 finds a jump…

Yep, he’s smiling….

Good time for a walk…

NZphotoslave hucks ‘n’ tucks…

Now up above Diagonalator, old mate gets a technical itch.

I wish I could say that he bonked his head on that overhang, but he didn’t.

A sweet setup…

…to an epic SLASHER film

Buffed-out groomedness….

120mm’s carve just fine…

Old mate, can’t let a untouched visual be raped by anyone but himself on his local hill…

…yes, he actually hiked uphill for this…

Did I forget to mention the snow on the lower mountain?

A Kiwi front door quiver….

…and this is quiver’s view…not too bad.

On our way to Wanaka, I had to check out a mate’s property that just became available for rent…

Just some friendly spam for a friendly Kiwi family, perfect for a huge family or a group of families that are tired of hotels and want to relax…

Let just say this place is awesome. Situated between Arrowtown and Queenstown, on a hill, with views of Coronet, back of Cardrona, the Remarkables, and the Crown Range…check out their website at

After that, we hit a Kiwi traffic jam on the way to Wanaka…

…to visit "air to cat-track" Hamish Acland. Patella gone, ACL gone, MCL gone, lower arm gone…but NOT HIS SMILE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Woody likes Wanaka Kabobs…

Well, time to leave New Zealand….

But not before some sick glacier shots….

The place even brings stoke as you leave….

…and straight to Tahoe for the second surgery on Mrs. 666’s ankle. The 4 hour surgery was a success. Another plate, some bigger screws, some bone putty, and re-alignment of cartilage, she’ll be walking in er…..3-4 months.

Props goes to Nzphotoslave for the hospitality and dnb. His Mrs. for all the good feeds and pink bedding. Woody for taking me skiing in the chutes. Tuk for mounting up the Melees in about 3 minutes. Casey from Moment. And of course, my lovely wife for agreeing to this trip.


Until next time NZ!