Slay The Gnar

Documentary of Casey Cane

Squaw, a Super Rad Glacier Resort – 04/21/08


April 21st, 2008


Squaw Valley Worldwide, California


Bluebird, moderate wind, 40 F high temp at the base at 6,200 ft…almost all offpiste = closed.

Piste Whores:

666, Zippy, Lane Meyer, & Zippy’s buddies

People who used cameras:

666, Lane Meyer, & Zippy

DnB Music: Rufige Kru ‘THE BEEZ’

Synopsis: Deserted Piste Runs at Squaw

Everything was glaciated. We were regulated to the piste. EVERYTHING facing the northern direction was solid, even at 2pm. We did managed to find and schralp the .34 cm of new snow from the day before, but everything else was closed. No palisades, granite peak, etc etc…..but being able to lap the Mountain Run without ANY people or patrol was, I’ll admit, pretty radical.

We made up 25% of the customers on this day…

Doesn’t look too bad from the car…

Zippy’s buddy is a carve machine!

Its not Alaska, but at least our edges will be nice and shiny….

OMG, this guy was so fast…

Lane makes fun of our piste runs….the last day I’ll ski with him.

Yep, thats Zippy, and he’s near Granite….

Patrol didn’t want to hike Granite Peak to open it for us…but they did get a kick out of us taking pics of the POWDER!!!!

Lane gets a M E G A – F A C E S H O T!


The jumps were big and er….frozen, so Zippy decided to hit the railroad.

THE Zoo SteEzE…

All that chairlift ridin’ made Zippy hungry….

666 was tired. He did do a day trip…and leave his iPhone on the Funitel. Don’t worry, he found it on lucky cabin #13.

This is a view of KT, looks are deceiving….

Lets go backwards…..

…in time and in direction.


666 wanted something, anything, worth skiing. The side of Eagle’s Nest will do. Some winter snow on top of smooth ice….I’m not complaining.

666 wishing Basom was around to witness the sickness…

OMFG, a super POWDER TURN!!!!

A decent day in the mountains. Too bad 666 was decapitated after Lane took this shot…props to the medical clinic for the fast response.


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