Slay The Gnar

Documentary of Casey Cane

Moon Crescent Couloir with Smally – 4/29/05

Moon Crescent Couloir…Finally!

I have driven passed this damn couloir thousands of times since I was a young lad. Learning how to fish at Caples and Blue Lakes respectively, it has always been glaring at me with its evil eye. With about a foot of new, nice, buttery pow, along with a solid base, today we would be atop that bitch………..finally.

The players included myself, Tyrone, Telenater, Slim, and a desperate kiwi named Smally. We departed South Lake at 7:15 am and meet Tyrone at the Meyers Chevron (where Supreme is $3.19/gal). With some donuts, super size Viennese blend, and drum’n’bass bumpin’, we departed to Carson Pass, home of Round Top peak, Elephant’s Back, Red Leak Peak, the Pacific Crest Trail, just due East of Kirkwood’s backside.
Music: Dkay feat Kasra – ‘Babylon’

The parking lot….stoked!

A nice romantic skin through the trees:

A nice prairie with the first unobstructed look of the victim – Round Top peak, home of the Crescent Couloir.

Smally skinning like its a competition:

Chutes off of Round Top above Winnemucca Lake”

The terrain just above the lake:

Yet another angle:

Lovers – Tyrone and Smally proposing in front of the Crescent:

Tyrone and I wished we had a gun to shoot each other in the head to end our misery by deciding to hike the ridgeline. My skins failed to cover my skinny skis, and Ty’s knee didn’t like the steeper skinning ascent, so we figured we’d hike the “rocky” ridgline. Needless to say, hell ensued. Knee deep wind-drifts took off some extra calories from the cookies I ate during Xmas.

Niner’s…team of the 80’s:

Telenater GPS’ing every step for later research:

Slim displaying his colors while waiting for Sean Penn to drive by (cue old school Ice-T music now)

Smally ran up to the top to take a few turns while we were only half way:

…grinning with boredom:

View of Round Top Ridge:

The views to the South:

Close-up, trying to find Waldo skiing sickter lines:

666 on his way to the summit:

Lake TallyHo’:

One of the lines skier’s right from the Summit…mmmmmmmm:

Smally pissed off that I made him go up here:

Smally wondering if it cliff’s out:

Smally getting “some of his best turns while he’s been in the States”

666 finally in the Crescent…with first tracks:

…and his gaper markings:

Smally eye’ing some exposure:

…creating a nice waterfall…

…loving every minute of it…

Tyrone goes for the same burl, no mistakes line…..thr knee looks bad to me :

…wait a minute, he seems to be skiing fine….

…oops a roadblock….I guess I’ll have to jump it…with my bad knee


….dust on crust?

Atop again…

Smally up to his usual antics…airing over exposure:

View from the botttom:

Smally yells to me and says jump this:

I couldn’t really tell what I was jumping into, but I trusted a kiwi…for the first time:

So I did…and then my camera died:


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